
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Holiday Half Apron

I have never been a model. I am honored to be asked and so with dignity, I present the first Christmas Aprons in Gold. And may I note that my hair is perfectly coiffed for the Headwraps they make to complete the Apron as an outfit.

I must add that I do find gold and silver an elegant and regal choice for Holidays. It is a perfect combination for the hostess who cares to demonstrate grace and dignity.

 I am told I will be called upon to model each of the Holiday Aprons for you.
And I am happy to do so.

Warm Regards,

The Season has changed.

I have been requested inside. A melancholy moment of seasons passing. Gardens are now brown and crunchy underfoot and the wind has a chill to it.There is a moment for each of us, here in New England when we know its time, the moment has come, to hurry inside and huddle through the winter's cold.

And Holiday time approaches as well. This is the time of year when people who never baked, never cooked, and have never seen a cookie press, spring forward onto a new enthusiatic path of discovery. They learn what baking powder does and more importantly they learn that cooking is more gracefully survived when one wears an Apron.

I hear new things are being created in the studio upstairs. It is time for us to join them there.

Warm Regards,